Dermal and lip filler in watauga

Dermal & Lip Fillers

In watauga

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Fort Worth Dermal Filler and Lip Filler Specialist

Green Leaf Signifying Rejuvenation

Aging is something we all go through, and it shows on our skin with things like wrinkles and sagging. Our lips and other parts of our face start to look less full as we get older because we produce less collagen. But there's a way to help with these changes using dermal fillers, which are like little injections that can make you look more youthful.

At TaVieMD, a MedSpa in Fort Worth, our skilled team can put these filler injections in different areas of your face, like your cheeks, lips, chin, and jawline, to make you look younger. We'll listen to what you want and make sure you get safe and satisfying results.

We use special dermal fillers that are designed to be a lot like the natural hyaluronic acid in your body, so they're safe. Instead of trying unproven treatments, come to our MedSpa for a more youthful look. You can call us at 817-818-1740 or book an appointment online. Your safety and your desired appearance are our top priorities.


Fort Worth Lip Filler Specialist


Your lips are sometimes the most noticeable part of your face! We use our lips to smile and express an array of emotions. Enhancing your lips with cosmetic lip injections improves your overall appearance and confidence.

Lip shapes vary greatly from person to person, and there are several ways to achieve the desired look. Lip fillers can be used to create a fuller appearance or balance out asymmetrical lips, while lip contouring techniques focus on creating more defined edges and angles.

For those looking for a more natural look, collagen-stimulating hyaluronic acid injectables like Juvéderm Volbella or RHA 2 can help enhance existing lip shape and fullness without drastic changes. No matter what your individual needs may be, our experienced medical staff at our amazing MedSpa, TaVieMD in Fort Worth will work with you to find the perfect solution that fits your individual aesthetic goals.

If you’re looking for the best lip injector in Fort Worth and the Watauga, Keller, and Dallas area of TX, schedule an appointment with Dr. N who is well trained in the latest aesthetics and anti-aging advancements. With her medical background, she is well versed in the anatomy of the lips as well as techniques to repair lip defects. Dr N. has written blogs that will give you in-depth information on lip fillers. Click here to learn more.


Before and After Lip Filler Injection by TaVieMD

lip filler before and after

Lip Filler Before and After


Green Leaf Signifying Rejuvenation

Dermal Fillers We Offer

Juvederm best lip filler dallas







Juvéderm Fillers

Juvéderm fillers are a popular choice for those looking to reduce the signs of aging and restore lost facial volume. Derived from hyaluronic acid, Juvéderm is made up of tiny hyaluronic acid particles that when injected into the skin help to plump it up, smooth wrinkles, and give your face a more youthful appearance. Juvéderm fillers are amongst the most popular dermal fillers used in the United States.

Juvéderm Fillers In Fort Worth

  • Juvéderm Voluma XC– used to restore lost facial volume in cheeks, chin, and jawline

  • Juvéderm Ultra XC – used to add volume and plumpness to lips and nasolabial folds

  • Juvéderm Ultra Plus XC - used to add volume to the lips and to treat moderate-to-severe wrinkles and folds around the lip and mouth area

  • Juvéderm Volbella XC – used for fine lines around the tear troughs, mouth and subtle lip enhancement

  • Juvéderm Vollure XC – used to reduce moderate-to-severe wrinkles, folds, and smile lines

Green leaf representing rejuvenation

RHA® Collection of Fillers

RHA Fillers best lip filler fort worth


RHA® 4

RHA® 3

RHA® 2



Revance RHA fillers are a type of dermal filler specifically designed to restore volume and enhance facial features, such as lips, cheeks, and chin. They are made from hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance found in the human body that helps to keep skin looking soft and supple.

RHA fillers are very pliable because they are designed to closely resemble human hyaluronic acid in order to give a more natural look. Revance RHA fillers help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, creases, and age lines while providing a subtle lift for facial features.

RHA Fillers In Fort Worth TX

  • Revance RHA-2: Used for lip augmentation. Also used to reduce wrinkles and creases around the nose, mouth, and forehead.

  • Revance RHA-3: Used to restore volume in cheeks, nasolabial folds, chin and filling of marionette lines (the area between your lower lip and chin).It also helps to enhance facial features such as lips.

  • Revance RHA-4: Used to restore volume in cheeks, chin.

  • Revance RHA-Redensity - FDA approved for filling of wrinkles around the mouth (Smoker’s lines).


 Dermal Filler Q&A

What are dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers are a minimally invasive injectable solution for restoring lost volume, altering the contours of the face, and filling in wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid is a major component of dermal fillers, making it one of the most popular choices for non-invasive facial rejuvenation.

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in our skin that helps to keep it hydrated and plump. As we age, our bodies produce less hyaluronic acid which leads to wrinkles and volume loss in the face. Dermal fillers containing hyaluronic acid can help restore this lost volume by adding moisture and elasticity to the skin, resulting in a younger-looking appearance.

Dermal fillers add additional volume to naturally enhance the features of the face and lip, or improve symmetry where volume has been lost. They are typically very well tolerated due the natural presence of hyaluronic acid in the body.

how long do dermal filler results last?

Dermal fillers typically last for up to six months to a year but can last longer in certain individuals. The duration of the effects of dermal filler treatments depends on the type of filler used, the location of injection, and the body composition of the individual. At TaVieMD MedSpa, we recommend routine follow up to ensure that our clients maintain the look they desire.

am i a good candidate for dermal fillers?

Good candidates for dermal fillers include individuals who are beginning to show signs of aging, such as wrinkles, sagging, or volume loss in the face. Dermal fillers can also be used to enhance facial features such as lips, cheeks and chin. Younger people may also benefit from these treatments if they want to get rid of hollows in their face, or simply to add a bit of volume and definition for a spectacular look.

Most women and men are good candidates for dermal fillers however we recommend a consultation with our board certified physician to discuss your concerns and your desired final results. Our clients have benefited from the expertise of our detail-oriented physician, Dr. N, who expertly customizes dermal fillers to address specific aesthetic concerns.

If you’re looking for a subtle way to reduce the signs of aging and restore lost facial volume, dermal fillers are an effective solution with proven results. Contact TaVieMD MedSpa in Fort Worth, TX today.

What’s the difference between Dermal Filler Products?

There are several types of dermal fillers available, including hyaluronic acid-based fillers, calcium hydroxylapatite fillers, and poly-L-lactic acid fillers. Some of these are designed to correct wrinkles and add volume, while others are specifically designed to enhance facial features such as lips, cheeks and chin.

The most commonly used lip fillers are hyaluronic acid-based fillers, such as Juvéderm and Restylane silk. RHA fillers are also becoming popular due to it's unique composition which allows for a more natural look. Each product is made slightly different which makes them better used in one area or another. At TaVieMD, our Fort Worth MedSpa, we offer Juvéderm and RHA collection of fillers. If you have specific questions about one product over another, please ask Dr. N during your visit.

What You Should Know Before Getting a Filler Treatment at TaVieMD MedSpa in Fort Worth, TX

Before getting a filler treatment, it’s important to understand the risks and benefits of the procedure. Dermal fillers are generally safe when administered by an experienced provider in a sterile environment. However, there is always a risk of infection, bruising, or allergic reaction with any injection-based treatments.

It is also important to discuss your goals for the treatment with your provider so that they can help you determine which type of dermal filler is best suited for achieving those results. At TaVieMD MedSpa in Fort Worth, TX our experienced cosmetic injectors will take all these factors into account before recommending any treatment plan. Contact us today for more information on our dermal filler treatments!