Don’t Believe the Myths: Lip Filler Treatments in Fort Worth

Lip filler injection

Are you unhappy about the appearance of your lips? Are you considering lip filler treatments in Fort Worth, Dallas, or surrounding areas? If so, you may be wondering if the rumors are true – do they really make my lips look plumper and fuller? Can they eliminate fine lines and wrinkles on my lips? The answer is YES, but it’s important to get the facts before you decide to go ahead with treatment.

In this article, we will dispel the myths about lip fillers and give you the real scoop on what to expect from these treatments. So read on to learn everything you need to know before making a decision!

What Are Injectable Lip Fillers?

Injectable lip fillers are like a special gel that gets put into your lips to make them look bigger and smoother. They are sometimes made of hyaluronic acid, which sucks up water and puffs up your lips. These fillers can also help make lines and wrinkles around your lip and mouth go away, which is why many people use them to look younger.

Are Lip Fillers Safe?

Yes, lip filler treatments are safe when done by a skilled expert. We use a substance called hyaluronic acid, which is already in your body, helping keep your lips and skin in shape. Because it's so similar to what you have naturally, it's a safe choice for making your lips plumper."

Lip injections might make your lips a bit puffy and sometimes a little sore, but it usually goes away in a few hours or days. This is faster than the recovery time for surgery or implants.

Tell Me The Benefits Of Hyaluronic Acid (HA) Lip Filler


Hyaluronic acid (HA) lip fillers are like a beauty secret that's both safe and amazing. Imagine it's like a magic boost for your lips – they get plumper, smoother, and those little lines around your mouth can vanish! What's cool is that it's a natural thing found in your body, so it's super safe.

And the best part? The results are instant and last longer than other lip fillers. Plus, there's hardly any downtime. In fact, it's like a quick refresh button for your lips and can even make you look younger. So why wait? Get those fabulous lips you've always wanted!


I Want Lip Injections, But I Don’t Want To Look Overdone. Can You Work With That?

Definitely! We get it – you want natural, not overdone. At TaVieMD Med Spa, we're all about making your goals a beautiful reality. Below is an example of natural looking lips achieved at TaVieMD.

Before and after photo of lip filler

Which is The Best Lip Filler?

The perfect lip filler depends on what you want and need. Most folks go for lip fillers made from hyaluronic acid, like Juvéderm and Restylane Silk. There's also this cool new one called RHA that's trending because it gives you a natural look.

All these fillers basically soak up water to plump up your lips, and they can keep them looking great for about a year.

RHA Fillers

There are a few more options out there, like using PRP for lip filling, but it's not as common. There are also fillers that boost collagen, but they're not usually used on the lips. Your provider can help figure out which one is best for your lips and what you want them to look like.

All in all, these hyaluronic acid lip injections make your lips look really natural, and they're pretty safe and quick. For older women, just adding a little to the lips can make fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth disappear. It's a fantastic way to give your lips a fresh and lovely look!

How Much JUVÉDERM Do I Need?

The amount of Juvéderm needed to plump up lips is different for each person. It depends on things like your lip shape, age, how much lip you've got, and what you want.

Usually, most folks get one syringe of this filler for both the top and bottom lips, including the Cupid's bow, to get the best results. Our experts at TaVieMD Med Spa will figure out how much is just right for your lips when you talk to them. They want to make sure your lips are smooth, full, and look totally natural.

Sometimes, we might also add a little filler in the corners of your mouth to give your lips more support and shape. Occasionally, a touch-up in the lines around your mouth might be needed to make everything look perfect.

When we're done with the Juvéderm injection, your lips will look like they would if you had implants, but without going through surgery. It's a fantastic way to get lovely lips without all that!

Are There Side Effects Of Lip Fillers?

Like any shot you get, lip injections can have some side effects. The usual ones are things like swelling, bruises, tenderness, and redness where they put the injection. But don't worry; these things usually go away in a few hours or days after you get the treatment.

There's also a tiny risk of an infection or an allergic reaction to the stuff they put in your lips.

Really rarely, there's something called "vascular occlusion." That's when the filler goes into a blood vessel by accident, and it can hurt the tissue in your lips and around them. But when you have an expert doing the job, these risks are not very common.

Just make sure to follow the instructions they give you after the treatment to keep any side effects to a minimum. If something doesn't feel right or you're worried about how your lips look after the treatment, don't wait - call your beauty team right away.

Do Lip Fillers Damage Your Lips?

Lip fillers are a pretty safe and good choice to make your lips look better. They're made from hyaluronic acid, which is already in your body. These fillers break down on their own over time.

But there's a catch - it's really important to talk to the experts before you go for lip plumping. You don't want to overdo it because that can make your lips look weird and might even harm them. So, have a chat with the pros to make sure you get the safest and best lip treatment.

How Long Do Lip Fillers Last?

How long your lip filler will keep your lips looking good depends on what filler is used, how much, and what you do in your daily life. Usually, they last between 6 to 24 months, with most people finding it's about a year.

At TaVieMD MedSpa, we'll tell you when to come back for a touch-up to keep your lips looking just the way you want. We'll also pick the right filler for you, so your lips look their best always.

How Are Lip Fillers Done?

Getting your lips filled is pretty simple. First, our expert at TaVieMD MedSpa cleans the area and numbs it to make sure it doesn't hurt. For some folks who don't like pain, we might use a special numbing shot.

Then, we use a tiny needle to put the filler where you want it in your lips. The amount and how we do it depend on what you want, but it usually takes about 30 minutes.

After we're done, you can head back home or do your usual stuff. Our team at TaVieMD MedSpa is here to make sure your lips look natural and lovely!

How Much Does It Cost To Get Lip Fillers in Fort Worth?

Luscious lips, budget-friendly prices! In Fort Worth, how much you pay for lip injections depends on what's used and who's doing it. Usually, it's around $350 to $700 per syringe. At TaVieMD MedSpa, we've got Juvéderm and more at prices that won't break the bank. Our experts are here to make sure your lips look just right.

How Does Juvéderm Injections Differ From Botox, Lip Lifts And Lip Advancement Surgery?

Juvéderm is a filler for your lips. Botox makes wrinkles go away by paralyzing muscles under the skin which sometimes makes your lips appear fuller. Lip lifts lift your upper lip, and lip advancement, like implants, pushes your lip out to make it bigger.

All of these make your lips better, but Juvéderm is the easiest and gives the most natural look. Permanent implants are harder to change and might need surgery to remove if things go wrong.

Where Can I Find The Best Lip Injector Near Me?

TaVieMD MedSpa is the premier MedSpa in Fort Worth, Texas that offers a variety of medically-supervised injectable treatments, including lip fillers. We welcome everyone, regardless of age or skin type, as our valued clients. Our board-certified Physician, Dr. N, leads the team ensuring natural and beautiful results.

We'll have a friendly chat with you first to understand your wishes. If you're after a non-surgical, safe, and easy way to enhance your lips, reach out to us today. Let's schedule an appointment and explore the world of lip injections!

Ready to get those perfect lips? Call us at 817-818-1740 or schedule your appointment online. We're excited to help you look and feel your best!

Nneka Nweke, MD